Welcome to the Aikyam Society

We are a syncretic polytheistic church located in the Missouri Ozarks. We are, to use the colloquial term, pagans. We welcome anyone who shares our belief that our world, including all the natural wonders within and without, are divine. We believe our earth, as well as the flora and fauna which lives on it, deserve protection and care, and every human being carries this spark of divinity within them.

Our motto is scientia, reverentia, unitas. Knowledge. Reverence. Unity.


Scientia (knowledge)

Knowledge of ourselves deepens our knowledge of the gods and this wonderful universe in which we live. We seek knowledge about spiritual matters, coming together on a regular basis to grow and to learn. Knowledge is sacred, and we share it so that we may be blessed.

Reverentia (reverence)

We hold the universe in all its complexity in reverence, and strive to do right by our planet and our fellow humans, as well as the flora and fauna who share it with us. Each person has an inherent dignity and right to self-autonomy and to seek knowledge in their own way.

Unitas (unity)

Because we believe that the universe and everything within it has divinity and humanity’s deities are simply manifestations of these various aspects, we strive to see the beliefs which connect us and work for interfaith understanding and cooperation.

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